22 shows
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What a theater!
Why this Mail Art-call?
Quite simply because we love and appreciate theater. We encounter theater every day e.g., in everyday situations or in idioms that refer to it like “All the world’s a stage”, “to get the show on the road”, “to wait in the wings”, “to steal the show”, “What a drama!” etc. So we encounter “theater” in our everyday lives, and often it makes us smile.
The city of Schweinfurt is one of the lucky operators of a theater building. It is a guest theater and thus offers many different ensembles the opportunity to present themselves to a theater-loving audience through a wide variety of plays.
There are no limits to the joy of experimentation, which can also be borderline for individual spectators.
Schweinfurt has a long theater tradition, first documented in 1572 with the performance of “Comedy of the Last Judgment”.
The venues have changed frequently over the years.
In 1966, a new theater building opened on Roßbrunnstrasse. It was designed by the architect of Prof. Erich Schellig, with a polygonal ground plan and cubistic superstructures. A large staircase connects the theater building with the Châteaudun Park.
All in all, the building looks different in all sides.
Inside we find a piece of art of Gustl G. Kirchner with a turquoise wall in spatula technique; in the staircase Günther Zirkelbach created a relief with cut plasterboards; Prof. Karl Dahmen dedicated himself to the large 130 square meter wall with a dispersion spatula technique. He was an important representative of Tachism. His work is considered a major work of German Informel. The stage designer Trude Karrer designed the hanging light sculpture in the auditorium.
The indirect lighting in this room is also impressive. Its wal, cover with pyramid bodies shining out of themselves, some of which are gilded, creates a wonderful atmosphere. And so it could go on for a long time to describe our beautiful theater.
Since 1973 there have been puppet play day, in regularly recurring intervals. Uwe Brockmüller regularly exhibited parts of his puppet collection in glass showcases.
Thus, one could get an impression of the variety of different puppet theaters — especially in the Asian region.
Our theater will be completely renovated. For this reason, we started this Mail Art-call. We are curious how and what is perceived as theater and what individuals associate with it.
Bread in the World
Miniprint International 2024 - Plantas Nativas
150 years of impressionism
My Own Utopia
Convocatória Arte Postal Camilo 200
Represent a personal look on the writer Camilo Castelo Branco, who made a mark on Portuguese literature.
Yellow is Beautiful
Movement and mobility are features of developed organisms, they are also means by which creatures, including we, orientate ourselves in and across the world. Today people and populations shift and change location for opportunity or leave under pressure. Archaeology tells us that pre-history saw radiating flows from Africa toward new lives East and West. And our futures will be rich with new Migrations.
While there remain few migratory peoples today, the migratory movement of critters, of birds, land animals and sea creatures continue. Migrations mysterious and essential, large and small: wildebeest move for pasture, zooplankton up for food and down for safety, but sand dunes migrating, who knew?
Artists are migrants. We live, move, work, communicate and trade within flows of migrating information. Geographically and digitally our ideas and work travel. In the street, on the kitchen table or a screen, in the studio or workshop, we encounter each other. You are coming the other way with something new; I take it up, pass it on. Whether actual or virtual, migrants exchange, collaborate and offer aid, ideas and support through shared mobility and movement.
We offer the idea of Migrations freely and in the plural. Interpret it as human, animal, mineral, biological, geographic, gendered, geologic, spiritual or cultural. The effect might be close or far, the scale, visibility and impact global, local or microscopic. Over to you now!
In the eyes of my mother I see … / In the voice of my father I hear …
Send us a sentence of maximum 10 words in a visually attractive way on a Postcard.
Your sentence should complement (or fit on the dots) of one of the two following phrases, “In the eyes of my mother I see … “ or “In the voice of my father I hear …”.
In 2025, Ákos Székely, avant-garde artist, visual poet, a leading figure in Hungarian assemblage, mail art and fluxus, would have turned 80. The aim of this mail art call is to pay tribute to Ákos Székely's life's work and personality.
We are looking for works that reflect on the following theme: 5 arguments.
Ákos Székely considered it important to develop the debating skills and critical thinking of his students. Open debates took place in his classes on all literary and artistic questions. A fundamental rule was that participants had to support their points with 5 arguments.
15th World Forged Stamps Day
This year, the MIAP (Micro Musée International et Indépendant de l'Art Postal) in Rencurel, France, has been selected to host the 15th edition of World Fake Stamps Day.
Thursday, November 21, 2024 will therefore be the 15th World Fake Stamps Day…
Anyone from anywhere in the world (artist or not) is invited to send one or more envelopes with a single restriction: a counterfeit stamp instead of the official stamp. On that day, you can also send your work to friends and acquaintances.
“Mailart Museum” could be the theme of this 15th edition! A free interpretation of a work you love or hate!
Future Earth
Open Call for Kindness
do consider what [e]mailart is and could be. consider what's the difference between merely sending a simple attachment or image as an email body or otherwise sending a real piece of art that uses all the capacity of what embodies the digital world and the ancient email technology and protocols.
can a mere attachment be considered a work of art? or should we explore something that resides in the body of the email and is changeable and unique and unable to subsist in any other medium than that?
alternatively, you may also submit some words, your point of view on the matter, or even an essay regarding the "digital world vs mailart vs [e]mailart vs art".
any questions regarding the open call should not be sent to us by email as they won't be replied to.
LEONIART PROJECT MMLVII - "Jump to the future"
The artists have to represent a landscape of their city, country, or any place of the world such as they imagine it will be in 2057. It can be something dystopic, fantastic, a wonderful peaceful landscape full of colors, or simply the same as seen today. It could be prophetic or not.
"E" Ambassadeur d'Utopia